Business Meeting September 2018
September 2018 Business Meeting Notes
Attendance taken by Genevieve. 13 members present. No visitors present.
Officer Reports.
Seneschal: Review officer report schedule
Exchequer: In account $1997.05; Deposit $100.00 for cart sold; Bank fee $3.00.
Herald: Nothing to report.
Chatelaine: Nothing to report.
Minister of Arts + Sciences: Nothing to report.
Chronicler: Nothing to report.
Webminister: Nothing to report.
Youth Minister: Absent
Archery/ Thrown Weapons Lieutenant: Nothing to report.
Knights Marshal: Report has been filed.
Demo Coordinator: Absent
Weekly Activities Schedule
November 06 – Business & Potluck
13 – Games make ‘n take
20 – Thanksgiving (no meeting)
27 – Acid etched medallions
Demo Report
Coming up at Leetonia Beehive Coke Ovens Park
Set-up Friday night at 6 pm
Pack light – no driving on grass
No large shade-fly (Deitrich & Aine bringing pop-ups)
Rickard bringing pavilion
Hours: Saturday 1-10pm; Sunday 12-6pm
New Business
Fall Bransle: Contacted by Gwyntarian that has an event scheduled for Nov 10. We are on Nov 3 and they are asking if we can switch dates due to their site having problems. We are currently on the event calendar but have not paid the site.
After discussion, we have decided to contact the Episcopal church to find out of we can move to Nov 3 and not have the event at the archery club. The site would be better for a warmer weather event with potluck rather than feast. Richildis will be making tokens. Feast is $10, cap at 30. Moroccan/middle eastern class theme.
Future event schedule:
1) Winter Wassail – Boardman Park, potluck
2) Spring Training – Christ Episcopal, feast
3) Saxon Summer – On Target Archery Range, potluck (tentative date: June 22, 2019)
4) Fall Bransle – Christ Episcopal, feast
Winter Wassail : January 12, 2019; Lady Bea event steward
Moving from Pioneer Pavilion to Boardman Park for improved accessibility and lower cost.
5 hours of use from 5:30-10:30. No candles, no weapons, no alcohol, no money collection. Prices range from $240 to $100 for the various rooms/buildings. We chose the Elton Beard cabin for $100. Bea will be making the reservation.