October Business Meeting
October 2018 Business Meeting Notes
Attendance taken by Genevieve. 12 members present. No visitors present.
Officer Reports
Seneschal: Absent, meeting conducted by Genevieve
Exchequer: In account $1994.05; Bank fee $3.00
Herald: Report submitted
Chatelaine: Michelle & Zander returned after a long absence
Minister of Arts + Sciences: Report submitted
Chronicler: Vacant
Webminister: Absent
Youth Minister: Absent
Archery/ Thrown Weapons Lieutenant: Report submitted
Knights Marshal: At Coronation, spoke to regional and kingdom marshalls in order to give him authority to authorize
Demo Coordinator: Absent
Weekly Activities Schedule
December 04 – Business & Potluck
11 – Sewing: Shire tabbards
18 – Holiday Revel; potluck, garb, cookie exchange
25 – No meeting
Checking into Fall Crown Tournament in Ashland, OH to see what it entails for a possible future bid.
Fall Bransle
Lunch options: soup tavern or potluck sideboard?
Working front gate: Lydia, Rickard, Deitrich
Set up Friday night at 6 pm
Winter Wassail
January 12 from 5:30 to 10:30
Beard Cabin @Boardman Park – confirmed
Silent Auction is on!
Waiting for Seneschal confirmation for MK calender
Period recipes
Spring Training
March 30 or April 6
Richildis as event steward
Christ Episcopal Church, not confirmed yet.
If there are any corrections and/or additions that need to be recorded in the official Shire minutes, please contact Seneschal Lady Katherine. Note that these minutes will be published on our shire website.