Business Meeting JULY 3, 2018
Seneschal Lady Katherine opened the meeting, THL Genevieve took attendance with 14 members present with 2 visitors.
Officer’s Reports:
Seneschal (Lady Katherine Coscombe) : Review of report schedule. There will be a new Kingdom Seneschal soon.
Exchequer (Lady Lydia Wynne): Outgoing $3.00 for bank fee. Received new checks. Genevieve will be working with Lydia to take over a Exchequer.
Herald (Alaric the Dolt): Quarterly report submitted.
Chatelain (Lady Beatrix Beeman): Two visitors present.
Mistress of Arts & Sciences (Lady Áine ingen Uí Briain): Quarterly report submitted.
Chronicler (THL Genevieve): Review of new business and attendance
Archery Lieutenant (Lord Frøkn mac Cainnaig): No practice lately due to weather. TW will be postponed until archery can take place. Frokn now holds all the loaner gear. Bea has passed TW test and is now listed as a marchal in the datebase.
Thrown Weapons Lieutenant (Lord Frøkn mac Cainnaig): Same as above.
Web Minister (Lord Kutluca ibn Ibrahim): Need Dietrick’s list of awards and achievements to update website. Report to be submitted in August.
Youth Minister (Lady Nuria Enid Imogen): Absent
Dance Mistress: (Lady Lettice Spindler): No new report.
Demo Coordinator (Lady Nuria Enid Imogen): Absent
Acting Knight’s Marshall (The Honorable Lord Dietrich Nebelung): We recognize Dietrich as acting marshal. Paperwork is being submitted.
Meeting News:
Weekly Activities Schedule:
July 10 – change from TW to archery (until further notice)
July 24 – Bring Archery/TW; heavy/rapier equipment for inspection.
September 4 – Business Meeting
September 11 – Thrown Weapons/dance/ newcomers welcome (desserts)
September 18 – Archery / embroidery
September 25 – Thrown Weapons / Leather project TBA
Event Report
Brewery demo was not great; very few visitors; Kat handed out 2 flyers
Location would be nice for a game night or revel in the future.
Unfinished Business:
Storage unit inventory list and whom took what.
Lydia – rummage sale/ feast serving gear (donate )/ old shire pennons
Frokn – thrown weapons loaner gear (purchased by Frokn)/ archery tatgets and gear/ shelving (sold to Luca $40)
Katherine – bocce set/ market stalls/ iron & ironing board (donate to school) / sewing machines (Dietrich buying Singer $60 / suggestion box / plastic table (donate)
Richard – Archery Card (for sale SCA yard sale) / TW targets and legs / loaner fighting gear and list poles (going to Dietrich) / large banners / table cloths.
Bea – thrown weapons targets and legs
Gillis – Gold Key cloths
Luca – SCA directions signs / Rummage sale items.
Lettice – table cloths / CD player
Due to time constraint no new business was discussed.
Meeting Adjourned
In Closing:
If there are any corrections and/or additions that need to be recorded in the official Shire minutes, please contact the Senescal Lady Katherine or Chronicler Lady Genevieve.