November Business Meeting
Seneschal | Absent |
Exchequer | Deposit of $649.02 Balance of $2592.27 |
Herald | Sabina assuming the office |
Chatelaine | Absent |
MoAS | Absent – A&S comp at Spring Event |
Webminister | Absent |
Archery | Absent |
Thrown Weapons | Absent |
Fighting | Practice – Larry (Seigurd) Authorized |
Demo Coord. | Nothing to report |
Spring Training
Will be regular event plus regional A&S competition.
Rickard will be Event Steward, Lunch tavern will be available. Soup mixes that can be used as a fund raiser was discussed. Edward volunteered to help with archery.
Fall Bransle
28 attendees, Archery, one fighter was authorized, waivers submitted, NMS and receipts require check, event report in process, Katherine has tablecloths, rummage sale – Rickard/Latice, Goldkey- Katherine, TW Rickard.
Winter Wassail
Artisans Auction submissions.