Line Dance for 3 Couples (facing each other)

As danced in Rivenvale


Verse I.

A – Each side take hands and Double Back, then Forward. Take inside hands with your Partner and lead a Double up and back.

B1 – Men take Right hands and circle clockwise once around (“Right Star”), then Set and Turn Single.
B2 – Women repeat with Left hands.

Verse II.

A – Side Right then Side Left with your Partner.

B1 – All face Left and go forward and back a Double. Set and Turn Single.
B2 – The same to the Right.

Verse III.

A – Arm Right then Arm Left with your Partner.

B1 – First Couple cross and set to Second Couple, then to Third Couple. Cast up the outside back to your places (improper).
B2 – First Couple cast off, turning over upper shoulders. Turn both hands half way around, then cast down to the bottom.

Repeat dance three times.