Line Dance for 3 Couples
As danced in Rivenvale
Verse I.
A – Lead up all a Double forward and back. Repeat.
A – 1st Man change places with 2nd Woman then with the last Man. Lead up all a Double and back.
A – 1st Woman change places with 2nd Man then with the last Woman. Lead up all a Double and back.
Ax4 – Repeat with the other four dancers, everyone ending in their original positions.
Verse II.
A – Side Right with your Partner. Then Side Left with your Partner.
A – 1st Couple slip down between the 2nd Couple as they slip up. Then the 2nd Couple slip down through the 1st Couple. Repeat. All this while the 3rd Couple crosses over and skips up above the other two Couples, crosses over and continues back to their places.
A – 3rd Couple slip up between the 2nd Couple as they slip down around them. 2nd Couple do the same while the 3rd Couple slips down. Repeat. All this while the 1st Couple skips around them.
Verse III.
A – Arm right with Partner. Then Arm left with Partner.
Ax3 – The Women stand still while the Men go the Hey between them, the last Man cutting short and going around the 2nd Woman to become the leader. Do this three times, so each Man leads for a bit. The 1st Man leads the others around the 1st Woman, down the outside of the Women, and back up to his original position, the other Men following. This is called the Sheepskin Hey.
Ax3 – The Women do the same while the Men stand still.