Circle Dance for 4 Couples
As danced in Rivenvale (except the Siding is only to the shoulders)
Verse I.
A1&2 – Take hands, Double forward and back. Set to your Partner, then to your Corner. Repeat.
B1 – Arm right with your Partner, then Men left hands across and circle Right while the Women circle Left, skipping around the outside.
B2 – Arm left with your Partner, then Women right hands across and circle Left while the men circle Right, skipping around the outside.
Verse II.
A1 – Side Right with your Partner. Change places with your Partner to face the next person.
A2 Side Left with them and change places as before.
B1 – 1st & 3rd Couples take hands and go forward a Double. Turn, switching hands, and go back out a Double, raising your hands to make an arch while the 2nd & 4th Couples cast off, meet their original Partners, and go under the arches, dropping hands and falling back to original positions.
B2 – 2nd & 4th Couples do the same, while the 1st & 3rd Couples cast off.
Verse III.
A1 – Arm Right with your Opposite (currently next to you). Then Arm Left, going once around and continuing around to the next person.
A2 – Repeat with the next person, ending with your original Partner.
B1 – 2nd & 4th Couples take hands with your Corners to form a line of four. Fall back a Double and go forward a Double. Turn Single, then change places with your opposite.
B2 – 1st & 3rd Couples do the same, everyone ending in their original positions.