Circle Dance for 3 Couples

As danced in Rivenvale


Verse I.

A1 – All take hands and slip two Doubles to the left. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – That back again.

B – 1st Man set his Woman in the middle, facing him. 2nd Man do the same. 3rd Man the same. Honour all.

Verse II.

A1 – Men go to the left around the Women.
A2 – Back again.

B – 1st Man take his Woman back out.   2nd Man as much. 3rd Man as much. Honour all.

Verse III.

A1 – Side right with partner. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – Side left with partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Women put their Men into the middle as at first. Honour all.

Verse IV.

A1 – Women go to the left around the Men.
A2 – Back again.

B – 1st Woman take her Man back out. 2nd Woman as much. 3rd Woman as much. Honour all.

Verse V.

A1 – Arm right with partner. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – Arm left with partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Men put their Women into the middle as at first. Honour all.

Verse VI.

As in Part II.