Circle Dance for 4 Couples

As danced in Rivenvale


Verse I.

A – Take hands and meet a Double, then back again. Set and Turn Single. Repeat.

B1 –  1st & 3rd Men change places. 1st & 3rd Women change places. Single Hey back to places (Men pass by left shoulders, then your Opposite by right, then Women by left).
B2 –  The other four the same.

Verse II.

A – Side right. Set and Turn Single. Side left. Set and Turn Single.

B1 – 1st & 3rd Couples meet, take your Opposite out between the other Couples. Cast off to your places and turn your Partner once around with both hands.
B2 –  The other four the same.

Verse III.

A – Arm right. Set and Turn Single. Arm left. Set and Turn Single.

B1 –  First four take right hand of your Opposite and change places, then left hand with your Partner and change places. Repeat back to your original places.
B2 –  The other four the same.