Square Dance for 4 Couples

As danced in Rivenvale


Verse I.

A1 – 1st and 3rd Couples forward and back a Double.
A2 – 2nd and 4th Couples the same.

B1 – 1st Couple and 3rd Couple take both hands and slip into the center. Take both hands of your Opposites and slip out between the 2nd and 4th Couples, then cast to your place.
B2 – 2nd Couple and 4th Couple do the same.

Verse II.

A1&2 – As in Verse I.

B1 – 2nd and 4th Couples take both hands and make an arch. 1st and 3rd Couples face your Partner, pass by the right shoulder, going outside the set, to meet your Opposite and go under the arch. Fall back to your place, then turn your Partner halfway round.
B2 – 2nd Couple and 4th Couple do the same while the 1st and 3rd Couples make an arch with both hands.

Verse III.

A1&2 – As in Verse I.

B1 – Men pass in front of their partners, behind the next woman, and so on counter-clockwise around the circle back to your place.
B2 – Women do the same clockwise, passing in front of their partners to start.