Square Dance for 2 Couples (facing each other)

As danced in Rivenvale


Verse I.

A – Couples take hands and meet a Double, then go back a Double. Open (take a slow single sideways away from your partner, still holding hands), then Close (take a slow single sideways toward your partner). Repeat, going back a Double first.

B – Men go back a Double, then Women Turn Single. Women go back a Double, then Men Turn Single. Men switch places in two Doubles (passing right shoulders), then Women the same. All take hands and go half way around back to places.

Verse II.

A – Side right with your Opposite. Set and Turn Single. Side left with your Partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Men cast off left and fall back to back behind your Partner, then turn back to your place. Women then do the same. Change places with your Opposite, passing right shoulders, then your Partner by left shoulders. That again. All take right hands across and go once around back to your place.

Verse III.

A – Arm right with your Opposite. Set and Turn Single. Arm left with your Partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Men meet (small Double toward each other), Women meet and take right hands. Men change places under the arch, then turn and take hands while the Women change places. Take right hands with your Opposite and change places, then left hands with your Partner and change places. All take right hands across and go halfway round back to your place, opening up into a line to bow to the Presence.