Square Dance for 2 Couples (facing each other)
As danced in Rivenvale
Verse I.
A1 – All go forward a double and meet. Take your Opposite by both hands lead out sideways two slips then two slips back again. Change places with your Opposite, then turn your Partner once and a half.
A2 – Turn your Opposite once and a half around, then turn your Partner once and a half, back to your original places.
B1 – Men change places. Women change places. Set and Turn Single to your Partner.
B2 – Women change places. Men change places. Set and Turn Single to your Partner.
Verse II.
A1 – Lead Opposite out a Double and fall back a Double. Turn your Partner.
A2 – All fall back a Double and move forward a Double. Set and Turn Single to your Partner.
B1 – Men go four slips to the right behind your Partner while she goes four slips to the left in front of you. Men go four slips back in front of your Partner while the Women go four slips back behind. Turn your Opposite.
B2 – The two Women go forward a Double and meet, then fall back while the two Men pass each other by right shoulders, go counter-clockwise around their Opposites, then pass each other by the left shoulders and go clockwise around their Partners, all ending in their Places.
Verse III.
A1 – 1st Man take your Opposite by both hands, push her back, move right, and pull her back into your Partners’ places, while the 2nd Man does the same. Set and Turn Single to your Partner.
A2 – Repeat, moving back to the left.
B1 – 1st Man cast off to your left, followed by your Partner, and go around back to your place, while the 2nd Woman does the same to her right. Then the 1st Woman and 2nd Man do the same, their Partners following.
B2 – Pass your Opposite by the right shoulder, then your Partner by the left. Turn your Partner, then all four face up in a line, take hands, and bow.